2018-02-09 07:58
Ways of Presenting Ideas and Arguments
Types of writing
Ways you might present this in your essay
1 当作者对自己所陈述的内容非常肯定,坚定不移时
When the writer is very committed, even passionate, about the ideas he/she writes
X asserts that…
X strongly argues that…
X firmly believes that…
X is committed to the idea that…
2 当作者引述极为具体细致的论据来论证其观点时
When the writer presents detailed evidence in support of his/her ideas
The work of X shows that…
X concludes that…
X found that…
X discovered that…
X learned that…
3 当作者本身对其所引述或陈述的观点持谨慎保留的态度时
When the writer is quite cautious and restrained about the ideas he/she puts forward
Research by X indicates that…
X suggests that…
4 当作者仅凭个人经验表达观点时
When the writer puts forward ideas based on their personal experiences only
The work of X indicates that…
X believes that…
X feels that…
5 当作者引述在读者看来值得质疑的观点时
When the writer puts forward ideas you are rather suspicious or skeptical about
X claims that…
X believes that…
According to X…
6 当作者非常直率地陈述观点,并辅以相当显而易见且理由充分的论据支持时
When the writer appears to report something in a straight-forward way, backed up with apparently good reasons for the ideas presented
X states that…
X reports that…
X notes that…
X found that…
X observes that…
X concludes that…
As X points out, …
X has drawn attention to the fact that…
X argues that…
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