2017-01-10 08:29
“People should buy things made by their own country, even if they are more expensive than things made in other countries.”
其实,考试的时候我们可以站在别人的角度来写,比如:美国人。可以用假设论证。因为每个人都知道iPhone的例子,这个东西明显比几乎所有其他的手机都贵,但是事实上大部分美国人首选的还是iPhone。他们有钱当然是一方面了,只有有钱才能消费的起,没钱的话估计大家就开始怀念NOKIA了;那么为什么美国人就应该买iPhone呢?性价比 Price/Performance Ratio高也是很重要的原因。在此,我在网上为大家找了一下iPhone的selling point,考试的时候记住两个就能写的很充分很牛逼了。我们来看看iPhone到底好在哪里:
1. Simple to Use
This is the iPhone’s biggest selling points. The common misconception is that smartphones are way too hard to use and, yes, many of them are. The iPhone, however, is simplicity personified. Its uncomplicated interface makes it the phone of choice for any age group and for anyone who isn’t “tech-savvy”.
2. App Store
Apple has the biggest app store there is on any operating system. It offers more than 775,000 apps and tools for users and caters to just about every age group. Any function you can think of, any game or music app you want, you will find something in the app store to suit you, many of them completely free.
3. Connectivity
How many Apple products can you connect together ? As many as you want. No matter what you are trying to connect to or how many Apple products you want to connect, their options will allow for seamless and uncomplicated integration and connection. Each and every one of their products is built to last and built to be either a standalone or part of a group and their connectivity options support each other.
4. Limited Choice
While Android users get to choose between a variety of handsets or operating system, or even manufacturers, Apple users don’t. Apple only makes the one device in a few different models and those are only storage size options. This means that this one device has to be the best it can be and having a limited choice isn’t necessarily such a bad thing.
5. Number One
Because Apple are the number one smartphone manufacturer and the iPhone is the top and biggest selling smartphone – nothing more to be said.
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