2016-11-22 07:49
Doge is an Internet meme that became popular in 2013. The meme typically consists of a picture of a Shiba Inu accompanied by multicolored text in Comic Sans font in the foreground. The text, representing a kind of internal monologue of the dog, is deliberately written in a form of broken English, such as ‘such dignified’ or ‘amaze.’
Doge(神烦狗)是2013年流行起来的一个网络热潮,主要内容是一张日本柴犬的照片表面添加Comic Sans字体显示的各种颜色的文字。这些文字被认为是图中柴犬的内心独白,通常都用一些蹩脚的英语来表示,比如,such dignified,或者amaze之类的。
On Tumblr, in addition to the captioned photos, the “doge” tag often contains images of a Shiba Inu whose facial features have been manipulated.
Doge uses two-word phrases in which the first word is almost always one of five modifiers ("so", "such", "many", "much", and "very"), and the departure from correct English is to use the modifier with a word that it cannot properly modify. For example, "Much respect. So noble." uses the doge modifiers but is not "proper" doge because the modifiers are used in a formally correct fashion; the doge version would be "Much noble, so respect." In addition to these phrases, a doge utterance often ends with a single word, most often "wow" but with "amaze" and "excite" also being used.
“神烦狗”的独白通常包含两个词,第一个词基本上会是so, such, many, much和very当中的一个,与标准英语不同的是,神烦狗通常会用这些词来形容那些它们不应该形容的词。比如,much respect和so noble看起来形式上像是神烦狗的表达方式,但却不是标准的神烦狗模式,因为这两个表达都太正确了,神烦狗会说“much noble,so resprce”。除了两个词的短语之外,神烦狗还会在句末加一个感叹词,最常用的是wow,amaze和excite也经常用到。
这只可爱的柴犬叫Kabosu(かぼす,一种类似于日本柚子的水果,果汁很酸却有种独特的芳香,经常被用作烤鱼或生鱼片的调料),曾经被主人弃养,还差点遭到安乐死,2008年11月被现主人——日本一位幼儿园的老师Atsuko Sato收养,生活才有了转变。
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