

2019-03-19 18:57







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  Section1 预测重点(5篇)



  妈妈帮儿子登照片报纸页面 newspaper photo reprinted

  驾照报考信息 Driving Details

  皮划艇培训班推荐Canoe training club

  Section 1场景:滑冰会员咨询




  1. the exact address: next to a garage

  2. Park car in the west park, as the north is only for stuff

  3. The closing time for the center is till midnight in December

  4. Hotel provides special drink, including hot chocolate

  5. There is a variety of food for children, and then Mum asked whether there ispizza available.

  6-10)table fillings

  To ask a variety of curriculum arrangements and notes.

  Section 1场景:妈妈帮儿子登照片报纸页面 newspaper photo reprinted



  1. Newspaper page: the front page

  2. Newspaper story for the name: James Parkhurst

  3. Photo subject athlete of the week.

  4. Photo use private/personal not public

  5. Image type colour

  Quantity: three

  6. Price: $ 80

  7. Processing method Size normal

  8. Payment type by cheque/check

  9. Delivery method: postal by mail

  10. Reading frequency every day

  Section 1场景:驾照报考信息 Driving Details



  1. name: Thompson

  2. date of birth: 19 July, 1978

  3. postcode: M252ED/N252ED

  4. type of gear manual

  5. type of license modern transmission

  6. already passed the theory test

  7. time to practice on the road: weekday

  8. Issue authority: DVLA

  9. medical record: color blind (achromatic)

  10. need to add an eyes test on original tests result

  Section 1场景:皮划艇培训班推荐Canoe training club



  1. the basic level course number of students 50

  2. the requirement of the course rules

  3. equipment provided helmet

  4. after class facilities includes: shower

  5. the students need to bring: own clothes

  6. adults fee: £17

  7. need to buy: insurance

  8. training in the sea

  9. activity after canoe training: race

  10. the nearest date of opening: 5th, this month

  Section 1场景:房子租赁:Rental property application form



  1. phone number: 614381197

  2. email address: Susansmith@post.com

  3. occupation: a chemist

  4. a house with a garden

  5. an apartment with a big balcony

  6. furnishings: a fridge is required

  7. maximum rent: $400 per week

  8. location: near the beach

  9. other requirements: must have parking nearby

  10. electricity included in the rent

       Section2 预测重点(5篇)






  Section 2 场景:大堡礁旅游



  11-14)Multiple Choice

  11. Green island is special for its

  A. water (the water is clean)

  B. fish

  C. plant

  12. Who built/founded this park?


  13-14) In what condition tourists can have a good view in the sea?

  A. no wind

  B. no rain for a week


  A. visitor can do all the time

  B. visitor can do something

  C. visitor cannot do at anytime

  15. beach activities-B

  16. climb mountain-B

  17. private boat-A

  18. feed the fish-B

  19. touch the fish-C

  20. take photos-A

  Section 2 场景:健走项目



  11-15)Multiple Choice

  11. The walk is organized specifically for

  A. extremely fit people

  B. parents with their children

  C. tourists unfamiliar with the local area

  12. The maximum number of the people in the walk will be

  A. 220

  B. 250

  C. 280

  13. The organizer would stop walkers if

  A. They arrive without waterproof clothes

  B. They are causing problem

  C. They are unable to answer basic safety questions

  14. The walk was cancelled two years previously because of

  A. illness in the organizing team

  B. Very stormy weather

  C. Problems getting proper help

  15. Badges can be obtained

  A. only when they have been ordered before the walk

  B. immediately have completed the walk

  C. one week after the walk has finished


  What suggestions does Peter give about the walk?

  A.Walkers are advised to have this

  B.Walkers can have this if they wish

  C.Walkers are advised NOT to have this


  16 a pair of thick trousers-A

  17 a mobile phone-B

  18 a torch-C

  19 something to drink-B

  20 a rucksack-A

  Section 2 场景:对影院经理的采访



  11-13)Multiple Choice

  11. Where is the most recent location cinema on the map?

  A. in the far north

  B. between square and rive

  C. in the southeast

  12. What has been introduced in recent two months?

  A. a competition

  B. 暂缺

  C. 暂缺

  13. The valuable worthy membership contains:

  A. membership 优惠

  B. free ticket

  C. 暂缺


  Section 2 场景:图书馆布局和书籍介绍



  11-16)Map Matching

  11. gardening book-H

  12. art book (graphic)-I

  13. cookery-C

  14. biographic book-F

  15. children’s reading area-E

  16. self-helping book-A


  17. Penny’s XXX-has good illustration

  18. He Hidden-based on a real story

  19. Orange Moon-come from and be a part of a series

  20. Running Boy-award winning

  Section 2 场景:国际象棋组织介绍



  11-15)Multiple Choice

  11. Why do they organise such a club?

  A. for natural talent

  B. for interest/for love

  C. for improving skill

  12. The fee of private course for beginners is

  A. 15

  B. 20

  C. 25

  13. How about learning to play chess?

  A. 暂缺

  B. 暂缺

  C. through regular practice

  14. Where do they recommend to play between sessions?

  A. at school

  B. on the internet

  C. at parents’ company

  15. When can kids join the competition test/tournament?

  A. when they feel ready to

  B. when their skills are good enough

  C. 暂缺


  A. beginner only

  B. male and female separately

  C. each year will have two matches

  D. winner has a cash prize

  E. contestants on all levels

  F. form a team to attend

  G. for both adult and children

  16. quick chess-G

  17. school junior contest-A

  18. team club competitions-D

  19. contest for senior/elders-B

  20. national tournament-C

 Section3 预测重点(5篇)

  各种海豚的研究 Dolphins in New Zealand

  一位女孩(kethy) 介绍她们制作的火箭制造

  调查日常用品的意义 assignment of interview

  考古 Archaeology Excavating

  讨论新西兰 stone points in New Zealand

  Section 3场景:一位女孩(kethy) 介绍她们制作的火箭Introduction of the mini rocket DIY module



  21-30)Table Completion

  Section 3场景:调查日常用品的意义Assignment of interview



  A discussion between a professor and a female student.


  21. preserve memories such as photographs

  22. show off status such as computers and cell phones

  23. reflect tastes such as works of art

  24. personal identity

  25-27)Choose 3 out of 7

  What kinds of interviewee do they like to choose?

  A. Sara’s friends

  B. different background

  C. different sexs

  D. different interests

  E. different courses

  F. living with parents

  G. the first-year students

  28-30)Multiple Choices

  28. what does Sara worry about the questionnaire?

  A. the time length is short

  B. what the question is about

  C. doesn’t know what to ask

  29. what does the essay should start with?

  C. the reasons why you choose these interviewees

  30. what should be finished by the end of April?

  A. finish assignment

  B. found interview

  C. they should at least finish the interview

  Section 3场景:各种海豚的研究 Dolphins in New Zealand



  21-30)Multiple Choices

  21. why people become interested in dolphins?

  Their special organ in head structure. (dolphins can produce sound)

  22. which NOT affected Hector dolphins’ population most.

  A. death caused by fishing boats

  B. tourists’ contact

  C. their slow birth rate

  23. the reason that the government established the sanctuary?

  evidence by a recent scientific research (渔业组织强烈反对,但是…后, 国内群众强烈支持)

  24. Where has the most population of dolphins in New Zealand? (for most population area)

  A. Southern Island

  B. Western Coast

  C. Coast to Eastern Island


  Section 3场景:考古 Archaeology Excavating



  21-25)Multiple Choices

  21. how did they feel before they go the activities?

  A. lack of motivation

  B. enthusiastic

  C. confused

  22. after attending, what discovery they are mostly surprised about?

  B. careful about the record

  C. photo is important

  23. what did the women find

  A. fabric

  B. pot

  C. jewelry

  24. what did they say about the people they studied?

  A. various food

  C. not as tall as people told

  25. what did they say both about the people they worked with?

  A. from different countries

  B. work hard

  C. young and enthusiastic

  26-30)Matching Flow Chat

  Section 3场景:Stone points in New Zealand



  21-24)Multiple Choices

  21. historical application for this research 为什么选择这里做调研?

  A. as a defense to attack from foreigners

  B. building material

  22. why the aboriginals choose to inhabit in the stone point?

  A. rich soil producing site

  B. more supply of fish

  23. what can the new terminology do?

  A. can build the interests among the international students

  B. the international students has no interest

  C. better avoid talking about it

  24. 女的建议男的干什么?

  A. focus on human aspects


 Section4 预测重点 (5篇)

  Cloth history (服装的历史)

  Languages of Vanuatu (瓦努阿图岛上的Bislama英语)

  The Development of Math (数学的历史)

  Research Facilities in New Library (新式图书馆设施的研究)

  The Long Palm (一种棕榈树)

  Section 4场景:Cloth history (服装的历史)



  31. People were more interested in the gold

  32. In good condition because there was no water

  33. and because it was frozen

  34. Egypt has its better climate

  35. It was kept in a university

  36. Research done in a cave date back to 700 years ago

  37. Trading pottery or and production of agriculture.

  38. men are doing something without iron

  39. women produced cloth at home

  40. when silk reached the countries from the China

  Section 4场景:Languages of Vanuatu (瓦努阿图岛上的Bislama英语)



  31. Vanuatu is an extinct language.

  32. English is used in the education system

  33. In the past this was thought as ‘broken’ language.

  34. People move into the city.

  35. It is one of Australian working languages.

  36. Most words come from English.

  37. Less than 10% of words are French.

  38. gave more meanings in this language.

  39. and also local culture.

  40. The word ‘long’ acts as an important preposition.

  Section 4 场景:The Long Palm (一种棕榈树)



  The tree

  31. has a fruit like a coconut.


  32. use stones to climb on a tree

  33. keep their tools to a belt


  34. It can be made into sugar

  35. juice becomes sour if left for days

  36. as garden fertiliser

  37. sounds like a harp playing music

  38. for birthday decorated hats worn at a celebration

  39. is used to make ropes

  40. is used in the construction of houses

  Section 4场景:新式图书馆设施的研究Research Facilities in New Library



  Contains materials on dance and 31. music

  Have many 32. photographs of festivals

  Often an 33. exhibition is organized

  Most famous for books 34. oral speech

  A 35. course is required

  Research can be done by the 36. public

  Contains information on the 37. labour

  On the history of 38. insurance in business

  Researches have to bring a proof of 39. identification

  Has 40. newspapers published between 1850-1990

  Section 4场景:The Development of Math



  31. babies think math is a ‘confusion’

  32. Modern researchers are interested in studying eyes

  33. They were not interested when the arrangement changed

  34. Older babies were familiar with pictures of different things

  35. New babies tell number in darks

  36. people started farming

  37. Research: language is not essential

  38. birds matching numbers, which involve counting

  39. whether or not to fight for lives

  40. Europeans used fingers and toes for counting






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