2018-03-31 07:35
Some people think they have the right to use as much fresh water as they want, while others believe governments should tightly control the use of fresh water as it is a limited resource. Discuss both views and give your opinion。
Fresh water is a necessity in human’s daily life but how to use it varies in different societies. Some people take unlimited water consumption for granted, but others think that it is governments’ obligation to control fresh water as it is limited.
It is true that most residents in developed countries and coastal nations do not need to worry about the shortage of fresh water. Sophisticated infrastructures and sufficient precipitation can guarantee sufficient water supply. What all these occupants need to do is paying the bills. They can use as much water as they want as long as they can afford it. Thus, it is undoubted that some of them hold the opinion that they can utilize the resource freely.
It may be true that many other people do not need to concern about water consumption, but it is also a fact that a large number of inhabitants in many developing countries have no access to clean water because of its scarcity. In those countries, natural environment and climate like droughts have a negative effect on water supply. What makes things worse, the poor situation makes water even more precious. If people use as much water as they want in those areas, it can almost be sure that water supply will fail to meet some people’s daily need. Therefore, it is reasonable that local officials limit the individual water use and punish the people who waste it.
In my opinion, fresh water should not be used without any restrictions. Water supply depends so heavily on natural environment that it can be regarded as limited resource in some countries. Water conservation, whether it is advocated by government or not, is what people should insist on.
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