2017-09-15 07:01
Cambodia’s homegrown ‘Bamboo Train’ soon to be replaced
With a wooden platform ?jerry-rigged to a small engine, Cambodia’s one-of-a-kind "Bamboo Train" delights tourists as it clatters through bucolic countryside - but its days are numbered as the Southeast Asian nation plans a railways overhaul.
The bamboo-lined flat trollies are a testament to Cambodian creativity and enterprise in an impoverished nation with little infrastructure. They were first invented as part of a homegrown, unofficial transport system to make use of the country’s abandoned colonial-era train tracks but later morphed into a popular tourist attraction.
"It was good to finally have some breeze happening [on] my face," ?exclaimed 25-year-old Swedish ?tourist Josefin Strang, after completing a ride on the rickety cart under a blazing tropical sun. "I’m actually happy that it was the Bamboo Train and not an ordinary train, because that track was not in good shape," she laughed.
这位25岁的瑞典游客Josefin Strang在炎热的热带阳光下完成了这一趟摇摇晃晃的旅程,她说:“终于感觉脸上有点风了。”她又笑着说到:“我真的很庆幸这是一辆竹火车,而不是一辆普通的火车,因为这条铁轨的形状实在不太好。”
But the hallowed site in ?northwestern Battambang ?Province will soon be no more as a ?government project to refurbish the country’s dilapidated rail system inches closer. That is especially worrying news for the community of drivers, ?ticket-takers and snack vendors who live off the proceeds from the unique attraction that has become a fixture on the tourist circuit.
"We are very worried about how we will make a daily income good enough to feed ourselves," said 49-year-old Soy Savuth. He is one of several drivers who spend their days shuttling a trolly up and down the seven-kilometer-long track, charging foreigners $5 a ride.
49岁的Soy Savuth说:“我们非常担心我们如何用我们的日常收入来养活自己。”他是几名司机之一,他们每天都在长达7公里的轨道上来回穿梭,向外国人收取5美元的费用。
Built under French colonial rule, Cambodia’s railroads once ran from the southwestern seaport of ?Sihanoukville, then known as Kompong Som, to the capital and up north to the Thai border. But decades of civil war and neglect left vast stretches of track in ruins or overgrown with weeds.
在法国的殖民统治下,柬埔寨的铁路曾经是西南的西哈努克维尔港,后来被称为“Kompong Som”,临近首都,北边是泰国边境。但是几十年的内战和忽视留下了大片的废墟,使其杂草丛生。
With cars a luxury of the rich and roads in similarly bad shape, ?Cambodians started building their own small bamboo trollies in the 1980s to ferry people and goods across the countryside. The earliest versions were hitched onto the railtracks and simply pushed along by a bamboo pole.
Then they started using small petrol engines that connected to a fan belt that spins one of two axles, propelling the carts along at about 15 kilometers/hour. As Cambodia’s roads improved, locals started moving away from using the bamboo carts - known in Khmer as "norries" - to transport goods.
Tourists filled the demand gap, with savvy operators in Battambang charging backpackers to hitch a ride on a unique piece of Cambodian railway culture. On a recent Sunday the dusty site was billowing with foreign and local tourists, eager to pile on for the windy trip through rice fields and over small creeks.
But Chan Samleng, director of the Railroad Department, said the Bamboo Train operators will soon need to clear the area so that builders can start restoring the line for a train service. "They have no right to run on the railroad anymore," he said of the drivers. "They can look for other jobs."
但是,铁路部门的主任Chan Samleng说,竹火车运营商很快就需要清理这个地区,这样建筑工人就可以开始恢复铁路服务的线路了。他对司机们说:“他们无权再在铁路上奔跑了,他们可以找找其他的工作。”
While Cambodia remains one of Asia’s poorest nations, it is also one of the continent’s fastest growing.
In recent years the government has turned its attention to its railways. In April 2016, the line from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville was reopened to passenger trains, displacing dozens of bamboo trolley operators.
Previous deadlines to close down Battambang’s Bamboo Train ?operators have passed without ?consequence in a country where projects are routinely hampered by delays. But Soy Savuth and the other drivers are worried that the latest threat is real.
后来,在最后期限他们关闭了巴塔邦的竹火车运营商,但在这个国家,由于工期延误,项目通常会受到阻碍。但Soy Savuth和其他司机担心,最新的威胁是真实存在的。
"If there are no rails to drive on, it will be hard to find a job because this is the only skill I have," he said.
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