【四级】2019年6月四六级翻译必做 13 句
2019-05-25 21:45
四六级翻译必做 13 句
方法 1:
第二步:People often use paper cutting to beautify their living environment.
方法 2:
第二步:People often beautify their houses with paper cutting.
方法 3:
第二步:Paper cutting is often used to beautify our houses.
2、中国应该进一步发展核能,因为核电目前只占其总发电数的 2%。
主干:China should develop its nuclear energy, because its nuclear power accounts for 2% of
总发电数:total generating capacity
完整:China should further develop its nuclear energy, because its nuclear power currently accounts for only 2% of its total generating capacity.
说明:这道题告诉大家,积累词汇非常重要!如果真的不知道总发电数,只能写成 total
3、为了促进教育公平,中国已经投入 360 亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育。
第一步:【为了促进教育公平】,中国(已经投入)360 亿元,【用于①改善农村地区教育设施和②加强中西部地区农村义务教育】。
第二步:搭好结构:In order to , China has invested 36 billion yuan, to and
促进公平: promote the equality 改善设施: improve the facilities 加强教育: enhance the education 综合起来:
In order to promote the equality in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan to improve the education facilities in rural areas and enhance the rural compulsory education in the central and western regions.
说明: 搭好结构,逐个突破非常关键!
4、饮茶在 6 世纪传到日本,但直到 17、18 世纪才传到欧美。方法 1:准确
第一步:饮茶【在 6 世纪】(传到)日本,但【直到 17、18 世纪】(才传到)欧美。
第二步:Tea drinking was introduced to Japan in the 6th century, but it had not been introduced to Europe and America until the 17th and 18th century. (过去完成式是指饮茶在 17、18 世纪这个过去的时间点之前还没有传入欧美,即所谓过去的过去)
方法 2:变通(但失去了一些准确性)
第一步:饮茶【在 6 世纪】(传到)日本,但【在 17、18 世纪】(传到)欧美。
第二步:Tea drinking was introduced to Japan in the 6th century, but to Europe and America in the 18th century.
说明:当写动词时,注意区分动词的时态和语态,例如这句话,饮茶是被传入,而非自己进入,所以用被动语态 be introduced。
5、年轻游客数量的不断增加,可以归因于他们迅速提高的收入和探索外部世界的好奇心。方法 1:
第二步:The increasing number of young travelers can be attributed to the rapid growth of their income and curiosity for exploring the outside world.
方法 2:
第二步:The number of young tourists/travelers is increasing/growing, which can be attributed to the rapid growth of their income and curiosity for exploring the outside world.
说明:处理方法 1 将句子当成整体,抓住主干即:不断增长归因于收入和好奇心。处理方法
2 将可以归因于处理成从句,那么句子就拆成两个部分。
结构:Some students who now return to .
综合:Some students who once transferred to the cities for better education/to receive better education now return to their local rural schools.
说明:翻译当中并非每个词语都要对应,比如:回到学校就读。显然回到学校就是为了读书, 这是上下文就可以提现的,比如上学学习可以简单说成 go to school,并不需要说 go to school to study。所以考生可以根据具体的语境适当地减少一些语义重复的内容。
第二步:Through reading, people can better learn to be grateful, responsible and cooperative, and education intends to foster/cultivate/develop these basic qualities.
说明:本句的核心叫翻译转性:感恩、有责任心和与人合作,尽管中文中学会感恩,实际仔细分析我们并不是在学习感恩这个东西,而是学习变得感恩,所以“感恩”就从中文的一种 名词的说法转性到了英文一种形容词 to be grateful,对于“有责任心”和“与人合作”同理可得。
第二步:The giant panda is a kind of gentle animal with a unique black-and-white coat/fur. Due to its very limited number, it has been listed as an endangered species/animal.
说明:本句中文中用了动词“长着”,但是如果翻译成 grow/have 显然表达上有问题。别忘记第 7 句这样的转性译法,这句话也可以把动词转成介词翻译,即用with。
9、最出名的就是门神和三大神——福神、薪神和寿神(Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and
第一步:最出名的(就是)门神和三大神—福神、薪神和寿神(Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity),【寓意着庄稼丰收,家畜兴旺和庆祝春节】。
第二步:The most famous ones are Door Gods and Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity, symbolizing/which symbolize the good/abundant harvest of crops, the prosperity of domestic/home animals and the celebration of the Spring Festival.
说明:本句中“庄稼丰收,家畜兴旺和庆祝春节”要学会灵活翻译,由于 symbolize 动词后面跟上宾语,所以如果能把“庄稼丰收,家畜兴旺和庆祝春节”翻成三个名词形式那再好不 过了。于是我们尝试调整:庄稼的丰收,家畜的兴旺,春节的庆祝。
结构:The American net-users are more often driven by and they use the Internet as a tool to , , , , or .
或者:The American net-users are more often driven by , using the Internet as a tool to send emails, buy and sell products, make researches, arrange trips or make payments.
综合版(选后者):The American net-users are more often driven by practical needs, using the Internet as a tool to send emails, buy and sell products, make researches, arrange trips or make payments.
说明:使用 using 作为伴随状况状语,其逻辑主语就是“美国网民”。但实际上基础较差的考生完全不必使用一些较为高级的结构,第一种结构就给这些考生带来了简单的思维。显然
11、漫步在花园中,人们可以看到一系列精心设计的景观犹如山水画卷一般展现在面前。 第一步:【漫步在花园中】,人们(可以看到)一系列精心设计的景观【犹如山水画卷一般】展现在面前。
第二步:Wandering in the garden, people may feel/see that a series of well-designed scenery spread out/stand before us like a landscape painting/scroll.
说明:这句话中最难处理的是动词“展现”,考场上一旦没有思路的同学干脆就用 show,当
然 spread out 都算神来之笔,所以我们发现动词的翻译相对是最灵活的,也建议考生注意选择合适的动词,注意动词的搭配。
砍柴采药:cut firewood and gather herbs
吟诗作画:compose poetry and paint(稍微土一点的版本:write poems and paint pictures) 综合:The other theme describes all kinds of joy in the rural life. In these paintings, fishermen are fishing on the lake; farmers are cutting firewood and gathering herbs in the mountains; or scholars are composing poetry and painting under the pine trees.
举例:浑水摸鱼 = 摸鱼在浑水里 to catch fish in troubled water;空中楼阁 = 空中的一个楼阁 a castle in the air;巧妇难为无米之炊 = 没有米,一个灵巧的主妇都无法做出一顿饭 even a good housewife cannot make meals without rice.
第二步:It includes not only the large gardens , but also the private gardens
the large gardens (which are) built for royal family to have fun (土人级) the large gardens as an entertainment venue for royal family
the private gardens which are built for scholars, merchants and retired government workers to get rid of the noise in the outside world (土人级)
the private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars, merchants and retired government workers.
综合:It includes not only the large gardens as an entertainment venue for royal family, but also
the private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars, merchants and retired government workers.
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