2019-04-25 08:10
Questions 61 to65 are based on thefollowingpassage.
Here’s a case study for would-be MBAs to consider:the success of H Mart.an international supermarket chain based in New Jersey(the“H”in H Mart stands for Han Ah Reum.which means“one arm full of groceries”in Korean).Tlle first H Mart opened in Queens,New York in 1982,as a corner shop.Now there are stores in 11 states,Canada and Britain.A new one recently opened in Cambridge.
Massachusetts,an affluent city outside Boston.
The future looks bright for Asian supermarkets like H Mart.Eamings of Asian-American households outpace the American average.Their spending exceeds all other groups,too,according to Geoscape,a consultancy.And they spend more of their money on groceries than the average America household.But Asian delicacies can be hard to come by:few Americans are likely to see durian or bamboo shoots in their local shop.Some specialty ingredients are only to be found at a premium(高价)in up-market grocery stores,or miles away,in ethnic markets in older Asian neighborhpods.
Americans have developed greater appetite for cooking and eating Asian foods,t00.In 2012 non.restaurant sales of Asian foods topped $1.5 billion,according to Mintel Group.a market.research firm.Though Latin foods are a bigger market,the popularity of Asian foods is growing faster.Once strange.seeming imports like seaweed and sashimi are now fashionable eats.Though the rate of growth is expected to fall,sales are likely to keep rising.
Yet most Asian grocers have not made efforts to reach new customers,says Jeffrey Cohen,an analyst at IBIS World,an industries watcher.Many shops are located in minority enclaves,and do little to market themselves to other Americans.Cramped car parks and dingy interiors fend off customers used to the bright fluorescence(荧光)of mainstream supermarkets.Ingredients labeled with poorly-translated English Can leave shoppers bamed.
A few Asian grocery chains have caught on,opening stores in more diverse suburbs,paying attention to cosmetic niceties(细节)and marketing more widely.Other than H Mart,there are Califomian chains such as 99 Ranch Market and Shun Fat Supermarket,which have been expanding to the American southwest.The former was even featured in a humorous YouTube music vide—“Asians Eat Weird Things”—which has attracted more than 900,000 hits.Those weird things may not seem so weird after all.
61.What makes the future ofAsian supermarkets so bright?
A.High income and spending ofAsian-AmeriCalls.
B. High income ofAsians and unreachable Asian foods in local American shops.
C.High expenditures of Asians on grocery.
D.Low earnings of the other groups.
62.What are the benefits ofAmericans’growing appetite for Asian foods?
A. The increasing sales and popularity ofAsian foods.
B.The expansion of Latin food market.
C.The growing fondness of cooking.
D.The AmeriCans’good cooking skills ofAsian foods.
63.Whhat are the reasons for the unreachability ofAsian groceries to Americans?
A. AmeriCans’dislike to Asian foods.
B. Asians’unwillingness to do business with AmeriCans.
C. The poor shopping environment and confusing English introduction of the goods.
D. Americans’dislike to the English introduction of the goods.
64.What do Asian do to develop their groceries?
A. Open stores in suburbs and improve shopping environment.
B. Market shops to more AmeriCans.
C. Make use of the mass media.
D.All ofthe above.
65.What call be inferred fi'om this passage?
A.Asian supermarkets will become more and more popular.
B. Latin foods are less popular than Asian foods.
C.Americans’incomes are lower than the Asians’.
D.H Mart is all American international supermarket chain.
61.What makes the future ofAsian supermarkets so bright?什么因素使得亚洲超市的未来一片光明?
A.High income and spending ofAsian—Americans.亚裔美国人的高收入及高开支。
B.High income ofAsians and unreachable Asian foods in local American shops.亚洲人的高收入以及美国当地商店买不到的亚洲食品。
C.High expenditures ofAsians on grocery.亚洲人在食物方面的高花销。
D.Low earnings ofthe other groups.其他族群的低收入水平。
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