2018-07-06 07:32
24节气(24 solar terms)是统称,包括 12节气(12 majorsolar terms)和 12中气 (12 minor solar terms),它们彼此之间相互关联。24节气反映了天气变化,指导农 业耕作,也影响着人们的生活。春秋战国时期,人们开始使用节气作为补充历法 (calendar)。公元前104年,24节气最终确立。众所周知,中国是个有着悠久农业发 展史的国家。农业生产受自然规律影响极大。在古代,农民根据太阳的运动安排 农业生产活动。24节气考虑到了太阳的位置,这就是我们重视它的原因。
The 24 solar terms is a whole name of the systemthat consists of 12 major solar terms and 12 minorsolar teims linked with each other. It reflects theclimate change, guides agriculture arrangements andalso affects people’s life. In the Spring and AutumnPeriod and the Warring States Period, people began to use solar terms as the supplementarycalendar. It was in 104 B,C. that the 24 solar terms were finally set down. As we all know,China is a country with a long history of agriculture. Agricultural production is largely influencedby the laws of nature. In ancient times, farmers arranged their agricultural activities accordingto the move of : the sun. It is the fact that the 24 solar terms takes into account the position ofthe sun that makes us attach importance to it.
1.统称:即“全称”,可译为a whole/general name。
2.12节气:可译为12 major solar terms。在月首的叫做节气,如春分、谷雨等。
3.12中气:可译为12 minor solar terms。在月中的叫做中气,如立夏、立秋等。
4.众所周知:可译为as we all know或as is know to all。
5.自然规律:可译为the laws of nature。这里的law不是“法律”,而是“规律”的 意思。
6.根据太阳的运动:可译为according to the move of the sun。
7.考虑到...:可译为take...into account。
8.重视:可译为attach importance to。其中to为介词,后面要加名词、代詞或动名词等。
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